Ciate Mini Pot in Sugar Plum

Ciate Mini Pot in Sugar Plum, $25.00 for a pack of 5 minis
I finally found the perfect lavender. I'm loving the Ciate formula. It's long lasting and fast-drying. The day after application, I spent the whole morning washing vegetables and cutting veggies for my grandma's 60th. It didn't budge at all! I know Julep's formula would have started coming off already, trust me. The formula is also thin, so when it dries on the surface, it's dry. It lasted me about 5 days until I called it quits. 
I know that Julep is very popular, and I have to say that I prefer Ciate over Julep. The formula is more smooth and long-lasting. The colors are also super gorgeous. xx
What do you think?
