January BeautyDNA Unboxing

 Hi everyone! I took a two-month long break from BeautyDNA due to the holidays and just the busy, money-sucking holiday season as a whole. We all know how that goes. I'm back on the boat but not for long, unfortunately. Details soon. 
Juara Rose & Willowbark Blemish-Free Mask, FULL SIZE (3oz) at $35.00

The value for this month is quite low but I have read amazing reviews for this mask through beauty.com. I'm super excited to try this out! I've been getting bad hormonal acne around menstruation week, and then I suffer from blemishes afterwards. I'm crossing my fingers this works well because GlamGlow SuperMud is just too expensive! 

I'm pretty glad with this month. I'll post an update once I've used this mask. (: What do you think?
