Memebox Leaders Mystery Box Unboxing!
Yay for more boxes! I actually received this a few weeks ago but I'm trying to cleverly post posts and it's just completely overwhelming at this point in time. I have way too many unboxings to share. *sigh Aside from that, the brand Leaders is said to be one of the leading sheet mask brands out there at the moment. They're available for purchase in the USA at: and, so far that I have found. They are a bit more pricey compared to other sheet mask brands, but quality over quantity.
This box cost me $25.00 and I believe shipping was free. It has a guaranteed value of $41.00.
Leaders Lifting Recovery Sheet Mask, FULL SIZE (1pc) at $3.50 via
Leaders Moisturizing Recovery Sheet Mask, FULL SIZE (1pc) at $3.50 via
I really like the design of these sheet masks. The packaging tells you everything you need to know: what it targets, ingredients, and how to use it. Leaders gives the vibe of being really sophisticated and to the point. These are made with coconut gel because it adheres to the skin better and because it works on all skin types (unless you're allergic to coconut, then I would steer away).
ALL of these masks are also free of artificial coloring, parabens, alcohol, and mineral oils!
Leaders Balancing Recovery Sheet Mask, FULL SIZE (2pcs) at $7.00 total via
Leaders Brightening Recovery Sheet Mask, FULL SIZE (2pcs) at $7.00 total via
Leaders Coconut Gel Mask with Tomato Sheet Mask, FULL SIZE (2pcs) at $5.50 total via
Leaders Coconut Gel Mask with Orange Sheet Mask, FULL SIZE (2pcs) at $5.50 total via
This box has a total value of about $32.00. They fell short about $10 for their value, which is rather disappointing. All of these prices were from the Memebox website and even if the current prices weren't on sale, multiple retailers have them for about the same or even cheaper. Aside from the value, I am pleased with this box. We got 10 sheet masks and there's something for everyone. Even if you don't have oily skin or dry skin, you more than likely know someone who does and you could gift it to them. Overall, this was well-rounded and I'm pleased. What do you think?
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