A Current Addiction

I am officially on spring break! Woooohoooo! Aside from all these exams and struggling through papers, I managed to find some therapeutic time with depotting a lot of my palettes. I purchased a few Z palettes and I'm already itching for more!
Taking a look at this photo... I have already begun depotting and installing more shadows into my Z palettes. I have one for high-end shadows, one for cheaper shadows, and one for face products (blush, highlighters, powders). The only one that gets its own palette is the MUFE Studio Case my sister bought for me for Christmas. It may be a little OCD, but I really don't want to mix up the brands for that small palette. Ha ha. 
One of the reasons why I decided to go on a depotting spree is because I keep forgetting about my small palettes, like the WetnWild palettes, LORAC Vintage Vixen, and ItsJudyTime palettes. The shadows are beautiful but sometimes when it's out of sight, it's out of mind. Displaying them with my Z palettes definitely helps me remember what shadows I do have, and it reminds me of the reason why I purchased them. 
Unfortunately some of my shadows have suffered fatalities. It's really, really sad, but I am doing my best to press them back in. 
Have you started any beauty addictions lately? 
