August BeautyDNA Subscription

 Hellooo everyone! A change of scenery, ey? I recently just moved into my new apartment back at school and my roommates and I have been working on the furnishings. I'm still in search of a nice desk, so to the dining table I go! I gave in and signed up for BeautyDNA, a subscription box that sends you one full sized skincare product retailing more than the subscription fee ($25.00). Based off of reviews, they seem to run about twice the price. When you sign up you take an extremely in depth quiz. Products will range from facial care, body care, hair care, and they even ask about teeth whiteners. You can customize ingredients you prefer and display your skin concerns. You get one item, but it's full sized and SOOOO customizable.
 For starters, I love the packaging. It's a medium sized box and the design looks really clean and sleek.
Moroccanoil Pure Argan oil, FULL SIZE at $50.00 retail value
What BeautyDNA does is explain your product to you and how it fits your needs. They bold the words that address your concerns. The value of this product is twice of what I paid. I will definitely use this item, but it will be on my waiting list (I JUST started a bottle of rosehip oil for moisturizing). 
So far I'm really impressed. I'm also excited because I've looked around at reviews and sometimes if your larger item doesn't have a high value then they'll send in another item with it to make up for the lack of retail value. Some people have even received brushes! I have my fingers crossed. 
What do you think?
